Here you can find a list of external learning material for various parts about and around NUKE. Feel free to let us know about your webinar, blog post, or complex build project! Many thanks, of course, to all our existing creators! 💙
News 📰
Videos 📺
- Build Automation Revolution with NUKE by Matthias Koch at NDC Copenhagen 2022
- Unleash your Build with NUKE by Todor Todorov
- Mobile DevOps at Scale by Rodney Littles II
- NUKE – .NET Build Automation 🇫🇷 by Laurent Kempé
- Overview & Tutorial by Anton Wieslander
- Local Development Environment with Docker and NUKE by Isaac Hildebrandt
- Designing a Build System with IDE Support in Mind by Matthias Koch at JetBrains Webinar
- 10 Ingredients for an AKEless Build System by Matthias Koch at .NET Fest Kyiv 2019
- A Modern Build System for C#/.NET 🇩🇪 by Matthias Koch at dev-days-online
- A Modern Build System for C#/.NET by Matthias Koch at DotNext St. Petersburg 2019
- Build automation for C# developers by Matthias Koch at DotNext Moscow 2017
Podcasts 🎤
- NUKE 5.0 with Matthias Koch on .NET Rocks!
- Talking about NUKE with Matthias Koch on
- Cross-Platform CI/CD Automation Using NUKE with Matthias Koch on .NET Rocks!